
Obama and Clinton excuse Biden's debate performance as bad night

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton recently came to the defense of current President Joe Biden following his lackluster performance in a recent debate against his November election opponent, former President Donald Trump. Obama took to social media to reassure the public that despite a bad debate night, the election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Clinton echoed Obama's sentiments by emphasizing the importance of facts and history in the election.

During the debate, Biden struggled with articulation and stumbled over his words, leading to concerns among Democrats about his ability to effectively communicate with voters. Despite initial attempts to downplay Biden's performance and focus on attacking Trump, Obama and Clinton's messaging now acknowledges the debate disaster and urges the public not to dwell on it.

While Biden himself admitted to not speaking as smoothly as he used to, he emphasized his commitment to telling the truth. The upcoming presidential race is expected to be closely contested, with little room for error. Some Democratic strategists, donors, and pundits have even suggested that Biden should drop out of the race in favor of potentially stronger candidates, but the Biden campaign has rejected that proposal.

As the election continues to heat up, all eyes will be on Biden and Trump as they prepare for their second and final debate in September. The outcome of this debate could have a significant impact on voter perceptions and ultimately determine the direction of the election. With so much at stake, both candidates will need to bring their A-game in order to secure the support of the American electorate.


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